Possibly not the sharpest or best composed of the night, but the first out of the gate for me. This is one from quite early as we were setting up and there was still some light in the sky.
13mm (20mm FF equivalent), 6.5s, f/2.0, ISO 1600.
I've denoised the image and brought up the exposure by about a stop and a half. White balance is very blue, but not unpleasant...
Possibly not the sharpest or best composed of the night, but the first out of the gate for me. This is one from quite early as we were setting up and there was still some light in the sky.
13mm (20mm FF equivalent), 6.5s, f/2.0, ISO 1600.
I've denoised the image and brought up the exposure by about a stop and a half. White balance is very blue, but not unpleasant...