Very imaginative image. Good colour and I like the "double-take" which seems to show the shattering moment of destruction. Or am I making too much of it? I don't think so. The only niggle I have is the title which seems to me more subject than image orientated?
Rich colours emphasise the brutality of the cut. I can see the ear-shape but this feels like a violent wound that contrasts with the softer greenery. Striking
Very imaginative image. Good colour and I like the "double-take" which seems to show the shattering moment of destruction. Or am I making too much of it? I don't think so. The only niggle I have is the title which seems to me more subject than image orientated?
Rich colours emphasise the brutality of the cut. I can see the ear-shape but this feels like a violent wound that contrasts with the softer greenery. Striking