For me this is an excellent picture, perfect in B&W. Very unsettling due to so much being hidden behind walls and "round the path bend" and the glow you have given it. Great! Would you please walk me through the processing sometime?
Sorry Peter, I can't remember all the details. I took it on my phone and the initial conversion to BW was done using a filter on the phone. I added a different sky because the original was featureless and did some dodging and burning here and there.
I had hoped that looking at the psd file would give me some hints but stupidly I have flattened the image at some point and not saved all the layers
very atmospheric/ it.
For me this is an excellent picture, perfect in B&W. Very unsettling due to so much being hidden behind walls and "round the path bend" and the glow you have given it. Great! Would you please walk me through the processing sometime?
Sorry Peter, I can't remember all the details. I took it on my phone and the initial conversion to BW was done using a filter on the phone. I added a different sky because the original was featureless and did some dodging and burning here and there.
I had hoped that looking at the psd file would give me some hints but stupidly I have flattened the image at some point and not saved all the layers