What an interesting shot. I find the three main elements, the foreground, the houses and quay and the clouds, are each excellent. It is only when I put all three together that I have a problem. The blurred forground is fine on its own and the cottages and sky are fine, but all three do not work for me. I think it is because the foreground dominates too much. Perhaps crop the bottom at the first ripple?
Actually I don't much care for this myself. I just needed to upload a picture to the gallery when I created it and I hadn't looked at my other images then, it just seemed like a picture that summed up the location. The only shot I got that day that I liked was the owl! i agree with you that there are elements of interest but the whole is a little jarring. I could crop it as you suggest because the upper half has more interest, but I don't think it is worth bothering with. I thnk the best picture I've got of this place was from a couple of years ago
Oh these clouds! Great foreground too!
What an interesting shot. I find the three main elements, the foreground, the houses and quay and the clouds, are each excellent. It is only when I put all three together that I have a problem. The blurred forground is fine on its own and the cottages and sky are fine, but all three do not work for me. I think it is because the foreground dominates too much. Perhaps crop the bottom at the first ripple?
Actually I don't much care for this myself. I just needed to upload a picture to the gallery when I created it and I hadn't looked at my other images then, it just seemed like a picture that summed up the location. The only shot I got that day that I liked was the owl! i agree with you that there are elements of interest but the whole is a little jarring. I could crop it as you suggest because the upper half has more interest, but I don't think it is worth bothering with. I thnk the best picture I've got of this place was from a couple of years ago